Monthly Archives: March 2017

Develop Perfect Pitch


Develop Perfect Pitch

I am learning how to play bayan, a Russian type of chromatic accordeone. To help myself I created a program I’d like to share with you. It helps to memorize sounds and notes and develop perfect pitch. The program works online and was tested in Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Internet Explorer 10. Apparently it can run on smartphones, too, but hasn’t been tested too much.

The program has several modes to randomly produce sounds:

1 Sound – a single sound
2 Sound – a sequence of two sounds
3 Sound – a sequence of three sounds
2 Chord – two sounds at the same time
3 Chord – three sounds at the same time

Auto – automatic mode to find the note that has been played.

Stop    – Stop Auto mode
Speed – Change speed
Octave – Choose an octave to play or everything.

Repeat  – repeats sounds that have just been played
Show     – opens a prompt to see sound names

en_ru_switch     – switches the language from English to Russian and back

As soon as a sound, a sequence or a chord has been generated the task is to choose the right sound from the piano keyboard at the top of the page or from the button panel. The right hit will become purple.

That’s it. I hope you will like it.
